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Diaries and Journals

Magee Diary 1886-1951

Information in this document was found in a series of diaries or farm journals kept by the Magee family on Groveland Hill. Most of the entries were made by Edward M. Magee and after his death by his widow, Mary (Wilson) Magee or by their son, Walter Magee.

Births, deaths, and references to local happenings are included. Spelling and information are as deciphered from the journals.

No guarantees are made as to accuracy of this information andall rights to this journal are held by the Magee family represented by Anne Magee.

This information, as a whole, may not be published without permission. © copyright 2008 Ann Magee. Posted by permission.

Magee Family Farm Diaries
188610/24Attended Mary McCauly's funeral
18892/14David Gray's funeral
1890 10/28 Father died at 4 pm
  10/31 Funeral at the house at 11:00 am
1891 8/26 Dell's children's funeral
1892 3/14 Mother died quarter to seven in the morning
 3/16 Funeral at 11 am at the house
 4/25 Ordered mother's stone 8ft 2in 3ft 6in wide
  11/18 Frank Bean's funeral
1896 6/30 Johnson Brothers barn dance
 7/23 Ed Mann's Funeral
1897 11/30 Ed Gray's wedding
1898 1/11 Lon Wilson's child's funeral
 1/26 Went to Uncle Ira Patchin's funeral
 5/11 Elmer Aten's wife's funeral
 10/7 Murray Gamble's wife's funeral
1900 3/29 Billy Wise funeral
 5/4 Carrie Magee funeral
1901 4/1 Sold W. W. Wise farm to McCauley
 5/1 Mrs. Gray's funeral
1902 3/3 Joseph Jackson's funeral
 3/15 Mrs. “???” funeral
 7/21 John Lowery's wife's funeral
 12/6 Heard Ed wise shot himself
 12/9 Ed Wise brought home and buried
1903 3/28 Alonzo Titsworth's funeral
1904 3/9 James Gilman's funeral
 10/18 Went to Wayland, attended John's wife's funeral
19052/20 Will Mann's funeral (sp?)
 12/13Will Lowery's funeral
 12/30John Bennet's wife's funeral
19063/17Wm K. Mann's funeral
19081/23Kate Cooly's funeral
 2/1John H. Magee's funeral
 11/24Wm. Morrison's funeral
19098/19Arthur Gardner's Funeral
19102/5Kitie Wilson buried
 6/12Luella Baptized
 9/11Jane Kennedy's funeral
191110/22Charlie Hendershot's funeral.
  Charlie died Oct 19 1911 aged 61 years
19122/4John Magee's wife's funeral
 4/16Went to Richardson's funeral
 4/21John Lowery's funeral
 11/15John very sick
 11/16John Magee died 4 O’clock
 11/18Went to Wayland for John Magee's funeral
19136/19George S. Ewart's funeral
 8/20Perly Arne's wife's funeral
 10/6Liza Magee's funeral
 11/9John Hathaway's 2 boys funeral
 12/10Tilly Johnson's funeral
 12/16David Sumner (sp?) funeral
19141/12Will Wise funeral aged 34 years
 2/16Walter was born 1:15 pm
19155/6Telephone man here
 7/13Charlie Johnson funeral
 8/6Went to Mrs. Bean's funeral
 11/30B. G. Floss's funeral
191611/2Mrs. Wm. Van Buskirk funeral pm
19193/22Harry Culbertson married
 9/21Daniel Morris' funeral
 10/4-10/20Everyone sick
 10/22Mrs. Dr. Patchin's funeral
192012/9Tom Morrison's wife's funeral
19215/13Jake Toland's funeral
19221/22Mrs. W.G. Wilson died at 5 pm
 3/1Harold Brown's funeral
19233/22Johanna Murphy died
 3/24Johanna Murphy's funeral
19241/19Fitch Davis' funeral
 6/1Charlie Magee's funeral
 10/18Saw Roosevelt
19251/6Julia Magee's funeral
 1/16Gamble Wilson's wife's funeral
19262/27James Traynard funeral
 9/9Bill died, 16 years old
  12/10Harry Magee's funeral in pm
19272/22Richard White died
 5/25Walter died 7:30 in evening
 5/28Walter's funeral in Syracuse
19281/28John Ford died 4.30 pm
 5/12Mame Wilson's funeral, Charley's widow
19292/27W.G.Wilson died 1.30 pm
 3/2W.G.Wilson's funeral
 7/6John Magee's wife's funeral
 7/27Luella was married to Geo. Linton
 11/17Vangie Magee Gray's funeral
19309/8Saw Babe Ruth
193311/1George Toland's funeral
19344/8Dr Lapp died of pneumonia
 5/14C. Van Buskirk's funeral
 6/22Mrs. Pierce's funeral
 7/11Lewis Santenne (sp?) died aged 76
 8/12Mrs. Arner's funeral
 10/24Aunt Jane Johnson's funeral
 12/3Mrs. Linsner died
19361/27Dan Kelly died 10:00 PM
 1/29Carol Van Buskirk died in Buffalo
 2/8John Swartz died
 4/12Ed Clark died age 69 yrs
 4/13Clarence Densmore died age 71
 5/15David Linton Sr. died
 6/5Bud Ellis killed
19371/2Mary Agnes Morris funeral
 1/9Karl Van Buskirk and Andy McKelvey killed on RR crossing
 1/5Tyler Arnold died
 1/23William Tweed died 62
 3/14Tom Snyder found dead
 3/15Sidney Linton hung himself in his barn in pm
 3/27Barnice Collier & Everett Ackley married
  5/29Dr. Patchin died 83
 7/11Genevieve Wood Magee died 55
 10/1Edna Titsworth died
 12/29Uncle Charles White died 93
19382/17John Gilman died
 2/20Bert Lowery died
 3/6George Gardner died
  4/7May K Bean died
 4/21Everett Rosebrough died
 5/13Hester Magee Johnson died
 6/21Roll Rosebrough died
19393/7Charles Webb died
 5/20John Wise's wife's funeral
 9/5Erma Bigelow died
 9/6Young George McGuire died broken neck
 9/6Ed Westburk died
19402/10Herb Arner died
 3/17Jessie Logan died
  4/11John Hurlbert died
 5/16Alice Magee died
 5/22Bill Stevens died
 7/30Ed and Jane married
 7/17Bert Steadworthy died
 12/2Charley Culbertson died
19411/28Carrie Patchin died
 2/18Ira Gray's funeral
 3/18Roy Bennett died
  5/20Arthur McComber died
 5/20Dr. Matick shot himself
 10/15 Frank Cook died 69
 10/15Mary Service died
 10/29Elmer Buskirk died 81
 10/31Tom Buchanan died 52
 11/3Craig Rose died
  11/4John Magee had a shock
 11/5John P. Magee died
 11/7Mary Rosebrough died
 12/7"Japs burned US Navy"
19421/28Charley Pike died 84
 4/14Gladys Aten died 49
 9/20Tilly Gulbertson died 95
 9/27Mrs. Joe Buchanan died
 11/21Lillie Havens Johnson died
 11/24Lillie Havens funeral
 12/25Walt in Africa
 12/27John Cooley died
19431/5George McGuire died 54
 1/25Letter from Walt from Africa
 4/12Red Hurlburt died 41
 4/26Post card from Walt in Africa
 9/2Selena Linsner died 48
 11/4Fred Barber died
 12/21John Morris died
19441/8Ray Brice died
 2/23William Colwell died
 3/10John Crane died 78
 4/7Mrs. Quait died 62
 5/26John Penny died
 5/27Hugh Buchanan died
 7/32 letters from Walt from France
 10/3Al Smith died 70
 10/12Letter from Walt from Germany
 10/28Will Morrison died
 11/18Hugh had heart attack
 11/9Dr. Hugh Magee died this am 67
 11/28Earl Bailor died
 12/8Lee McKelvey died 65
19451/5Charley Brown died 73
19461/10Henry Everman died 44
 2/7Jay Pickard died 80
 4/7Harry Adamson Sr. died
 5/10Lewis Heckman died 77
 8/2Harry Iske died 79
 9/19Harold Linsner hurt changing tire
 9/26Carl Buchanan's father died
 9/28Harold Linsner died
 10/21George Webster died 75
 12/26Jimmy Sawkey shot himself
19511/7George Bennett died
 2/18Ruth Richmond died 25
 3/14Murray Gamble died 86
 4/23Charles Dantz died 85
 5/23Jim Young died 87
 8/3Rev. John McGavern died 90
 8/22Charley Lawton died 76

Transcribed and Contributed by Ann Magee Tanner