Hampton Corners, Abele Road
Town of Groveland
Surnames in the Williamsburg Cemetery include: Moore, Moor, Nolan, Frampton, Thorp, Fitzhugh, Curtiss, Marsh, Wilson, Pott, Taylor, Proper, Cothrill, Chase, McKelleps, Mudge, Abell, Turner, Hunter, Birney, Carroll, Williams, Van Rensselaer, Adams, Hughes, Stratton and possibly others. Please wait for photos to appear below.
Photo taken 12 October 1997 from Abele Road, facing entrance, looking northeast. | |
Photo taken 12 October 1997 from center of cemetery, looking northeast. | |
Photo taken 12 October 1997, from southeast corner of cemetery, looking north alond edge of cemetery. | |
far left NANCY wife of Isaac Moor died Oct 29, 1847 aged 40 years ----------- CHESTER C. MOORE son of Isaac & Nancy Moore died at Andersonville,GA Sept 1 1864 AE. 23 yrs & 5 Mo. A member of Co. B. 1st N.Y. Dragoons. | |
far left CATHERINE wife of Caleb Chase died June 29 1819..AE 74 yrs 6 mo. 4 ds. -------- In Memory of CALEB CHASE Who Died Aug 30 1836 Aged 63 years. | |
In Memory DANIEL McKELLEPS who departed this life Dec. 20 AD1814 aged 61 years. | |
ORRIN MUDGE died Jan. 21 1845 Aged 27. | |
CAPT. SAMUEL ADAMS LEE son of Richard Henry Lee of Virginia Died Jan. 28 1882 Aged 50 years. | |
WILLIAM FITZHUGH Born In Calvert Co. Maryland Oct. 8, 1761 Died Dec. 29, 1839 | |
CATHERINE SCHUYLER VAN RENSSELAER Born at Claverack Manor on the Hudson. July 31, 1801 Died Sept. 21, 1884 | |
CHARLES CARROLL of Bellevue was born at Carrollsburg in the State of Maryland now in the City of Washington on the 7th of Nov. 1767 and died in the Township of Groveland the 28th of Oct 1823, in the 56th year of his age. | |
BIRNEY James G. Birney Born Feb. 4 1792 In Danville, Kentucky Passed away Nov 25 1857 at Eaglewood, New Jersey --------- Elizabeth P. Fitzhugh wife of James G. Birney Passed Away Jan 12 1869 Aged 66 Years. facing,right Ann Hughes daughter of James G. and Elizabeth Birney Born Nov 27 1843 at Bay City, Michigan Passed Away March 8 1846 ------ Maj. Fitzhugh Birney A.A.C. of the 2nd Div. 2 Corps Army of the Potomac son of James G. and Elizabeth Birney Born at Saginaw City, Mich. Jan 9 1842 Passed Away at Washington City, D.C. July 17 1864 | |