C ONESUS---was formed from Livonia
and Groveland, as "Freeport," April 12, 1819.
Its name was changed to "Browersville," March
26, 1825, and to Conesus, April 15, 1825. It is the
central town upon the E. border of the co. Hemlock
Lake forms the E. and Conesus Lake a part of the W.
boundary. Its surface is hilly. The Marrowback Hills
in the E. part W. of Hemlock Lake, rise to about
1,200 feet above it. A deep valley extends S.E. from near
the center into Springwater, through which the B.,
N.Y., & E.R.R. passes. The principal stream is
Mill Creek. The soil is generally a caly loam.
Conesus Center (p.v.) contains 2 churches, a
grist and saw mill, and about 40 houses.
Conesus (p.o) is a R.R. station. Foots
Corners and Union Corners are hamlets.
Settlement was commenced at the head of Conesus Lake,
in 1794 or '95, by James Henderson, from Penn . The first church (Meth.) was
organized in 1814.Cemeteries |
SIZE +/- |
Alger | ---- | northern part of town, off Rte 15, on Rowland Road | --- |
Arnold | ---- | center of town, off Railroad Ave., on Elm Street | --- |
McMillan | ---- | center of town, on Rte 15 | +250 |
Union | ---- | southeast corner of town, on Rte 256, north of Scottsburg | +1500 |
Annette McNinch, 6210 South Livonia Rd., PO Box 188, Conesus, NY 14435; (585) 346-3130
TOWN HISTORIAN : Melissa Maxwell, (585) 734-6854 TOWN WEBSITE: www.town.conesus.ny.us ORGANIZATIONS :
American Legion , Conlon Mulvaney Post
1779, Box 155, Conesus.
Ga.ne-a-sos History Keepers , Conesus Historical Society, Conesus, NY 14435 BOOKS
FOOTNOTES[from Penn] Hector McKay settled in 1798, Harvey May in 1806, Davenport Alger in 1808, Jas. Steel and Wait Arnold in 1810, Thomas Young in 1811, and and Andrew Arnold in 1816. The first store was kept by A. & G. Arnold, at the center, 1818. The first sawnmill was built in 1803 or '04,on Mill Creek, near the center; and the first woolen factory in 1819, by Hosea Gilbert. ( back ) [first church] There are 2 churches in town; M.E. and Univ. ( back ) |
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